If you’re having trouble falling asleep or suffering from insomnia, this article will definitely help you. Being sleep deprived isn’t a healthy proposition, so investigating the root cause of your insomnia will only help you fix the problem. 

Habits that will help you sleep

A good starting point on the road to better sleep is adjusting your daily habits. The following are things you can do to help you sleep better:

1: Daily Exercise: regular or daily exercise will help tire your body so that it’s easier for you to fall asleep. It will release all your angst and tension and relax your body making the transition to sleepiness a seamless one. Exercise also releases endorphins (a type of hormone) that relax your mind and help eliminate racing thoughts. A more relaxed state of mind will help alleviate stress and make it easier to fall and stay asleep. 

2: Limit Caffeine and Alchohol:  caffeine and alcohol both have a significant impact on your quality of sleep. Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, cocoa and soda beverages. The effect of caffeine on sleep is dependent on the individual the quantity consumed and the time of day 

Alcohol is a depressant that can initially make you feel drowsy or relaxed, however, drinking close to bedtime can disrupt later sleep cycles. Alcohol may decrease REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep which is important for overall sleep quality. Also, alcohol is a diuretic which will cause frequent urination throughout the night, keeping you up and fragmenting your sleep. It’s best to avoid alcohol three to four hours before bedtime.  

3: Limit Screen Time: avoid tablets, smartphones, computers and TV at least an hour before bedtime. The blue emitted from these devices has been proven to disrupt your body’s natural production of melatonin. Melatonin is a sleep-inducing hormone that plays a key role in meaning your body’s circadian rhythm or biological rhythm. 

4: Limit Fluid Intake: reduce fluid intake one to two hours before bedtime. This will prevent disruptive and unwanted washroom visits throughout the night, and promote continuous sleep. 

5: Use Relaxing Music or Sounds: you can always add soothing and relaxing music or sounds while trying to sleep. It’s no mystery that music and certain sounds are soothing to our minds and can aid in getting to sleep. Try listening to nature sounds or white/brown noise on Youtube or simply buy a white noise machine for convenience. If you’re having issues getting to sleep and remaining that way, this is a good purchase! Try the blah blah …

6: Comfortable Sleep Environment:  make sure your bedroom and bedroom accessories like pillow and mattress are comfortable and appropriate. Choose a pillow and mattress that compliments your sleeping style. This involves selecting the proper level of pillow and mattress firmness to ensure maximum comfort. Look into latex or foam mattresses and pillows made from down or memory foam. Foam and Latex contour around the neck and body keeping you stable and the most comfortable. 

7: Consistent Sleep Schedule: try and go to bed at the same time every night. Consistency will help you establish a predictable Circadian rhythm (internal clock), and help you get more refreshing and quality sleep. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine will also help in hormone production and regulation. 

8: Darkness: make your room as dark as possible with blackout curtains to block external light. A dark sleeping environment will help regulate melatonin production (the hormone that controls sleep), minimize sleep disruptions, and extend sleep duration. 

9: Healthy Diet: avoid large meals close to bedtime and stay away from food high in protein and fat.  Your body needs more time to digest proteins and fats which might cause an upset stomach or indigestion while sleeping. If you need to eat close to bedtime choose carbohydrates as they will relax and soothe your body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep. Also, stay away from foods with caffeine and alcohol, as they will keep you awake or prevent you from having a good sleep. 

10: Limit or Eliminate Naps: taking a nap throughout the day will only leave you less likely to feel tired enough to fall asleep during bedtime hour. If you really need to nap make sure it’s not too long, maybe 20 to 30 minutes. Ideally, don’t take a nap if you can help it.  

Sleep Aid Products That Will Help You Sleep

Sometimes we need a little more than good routines and habits to alleviate insomnia and help generate better sleep quality. 

The following are some products that can help you in your quest for better sleep: 

1: Cooling Mattress Toppers: excessive heat can disrupt your sleep cycle by allowing heat to build up and cause sweatiness and uncomfortableness. Cooling mattress toppers promote temperature regulation and overall comfort.  They’re inexpensive and actually reduce the wear and tear on your mattress. 

2: Sleep Enhancing Pillows: you can purchase pillows that are specifically designed for better neck and head support. They can lead to improved posture and comfort, which will help you get to sleep and remain sleeping for longer durations. 

3: Earplugs: some people prefer silence when trying to fall asleep. Sometimes there is unwanted external noise that we cannot control, so having earplugs handy can certainly make a difference in your sleep quality. 

4: Herbal Tea: some herbal teas have been known to have sleep-inducing properties, such as camomile, valerian root, peppermint or ginger and other relaxing herbs. There are also specially formulated herbal teas with a variety of sleep-promoting herbs, combined into one beverage, such as Yogi Bedtime Tea and Celestial Seasonings. Try it before you knock it! 

5: Sleep Supplements: some people may elect to use sleep aid supplements such as melatonin, magnesium, herbal teas or prescription sleeping pills. Consult your doctor before taking these medications.  

6: Wake-Up Light Alarm Clocks: these alarm clocks use light simulation to wake you gradually and gently by mimicking natural sunrise and thus improving your morning wakefulness. They also reduce sleep inertia (grogginess and disorientation feeling) after waking up abruptly. These devices are relatively inexpensive, ranging from 30 to 100 dollars.

7: Weighted Blankets: These blankets are weighted so they put gentle pressure on your nervous system. This will help lower your blood pressure and consequently bring a sense of relaxation to your mind and body. The weight also helps keep you from tossing and turning which contributes to continuous, improved sleep patterns.  

8: Aromatherapy Diffusers: Aromatherapy diffusers are small devices that disperse essential oils into the air. The herbal oils in the air help create a calming and soothing environment, helping you fall asleep easier and for longer.  They also help mask unwanted odors that can potentially keep you awake. 

9: Sleep Tracking Devices: Sleep tracking devices can either be dedicated sleep monitors or can be integrated into certain, wearable fitness trackers. These devices help track your sleeping patterns and behavior so that an informed decision about your sleep therapy can be made.  

10: Guided Sleep Meditation Apps: Mobile sleep aid applications or apps can easily be downloaded onto your smart device and offer guided meditation techniques to help you relax and fall asleep. 


In conclusion, achieving restful and rejuvenating sleep is imperative for our overall well-being.  Incorporating good habits and routines are some of the things we can do to help ourselves get the best sleep possible. Combined with the help of sleeping aid devices we can prioritize our chances of getting the most rejuvenating and restful sleep, possible.